International H.E.Y! Youth Forum
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The H.EY! Youth Forum was organized by Rota Jovem, on 29th May 2024, at CriArte in Carcavelos Cascais, Portugal.
A total of 40 participants attended, including H.E.Y! Mentors and Mentees, youth workers, local decision makers and young people.
The objectives of the Final International HEY Youth Forum were to:
present HEY project and disseminate the tools and methodologies developed and its related results;
present the project partnership and the methodologies adopted, expertise acquired and overall evaluation of the project;
provide a space for all partners and participants to reflect and to summarise the progress and achievements of the project, sharing their thoughts and experiences among and international group;
ensure proper closure of the project
improve knowledge and raise awareness on the strategic figure of the youth workers in promoting engagement and development of young people;
create a space for the discussion and definition of ways to increase the knowledge and opportunities of young people and improve their conditions;
engage a wider audience of the target sector, target groups, potential end-users and beneficiaries, relevant stakeholders and policy makers;
plan future exploitation and sustainability actions with potential stakeholders and policy makers at national and international level and enhance cooperation.
During the Forum, the project, aims, objectives, projects results and outcomes were presented. Sessions from the H.E.Y! Training Modules were also organized. This allowed not only for everyone to share a little more about themselves and to get to know each other better, but also to have more feedback on the updated versions of the modules after their national implementation. At the same time the Forum served as a space for people to participate at a plenary discussion, exchange views, ideas and experiences. This event was finalised with moments of networking and socialising, during which participants had the opportunity to interact, talk and exchange ideas, views and thoughts for the future.
A lot of participants were really interested in the Project Results and requested more information. The youth workers and local decision makers were also really eager to be involved in similar activities and are accompanying the project results closer to better understand the project and also to gain new tools.