We are inviting young people to become H.E.Y! Peer-to-Peer Supporters in the H.E.Y! Online Peer-to-Peer Support Programme.
Each partner organization will identify and accept 3 H.E.Y! Peer-to-Peer Supporters in partner countries, namely, Cyprus, Italy, France, Ireland, Spain, Portugal.
The H.E.Y! Peer-to-Peer Supporters must be:
Between 23-30 years old
Ex Returnees/NEETs (Not in Training or Education or Employment); who overcame challenges or difficulties during their re-integration in the society;
With interest, willingness and time to provide voluntarily support to their peers and help them to overcome challenges or difficulties;
With available time to respond to online requests for support or help or guidance by Mentees or other young Returnees/NEETs contacting the project.
If you wish to be a H.E.Y! Peer-to-Peer Supporter
a) get more information at HEY Peer Support | hey-project.org
b) apply at H.E.Y! Peer-to-Peer Supporter Application Form
Deadline: 31st January 2024